Why PDF files are different and difficult to convert

A lot of people think PDF files are similar to a Word Excel, PowerPoint or InDesign file; and converting from a pdf to InDesign or even converting a pdf to Word, Excel or PowerPoint is relatively easy. But this is definitely not the case. PDF files don’t contain high-level properties like you find in a …

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PDF2ID version and release history

We thought it would be a good idea to list the chronological order of PDF2ID releases(pdf to indesign conversion technology) along with the InDesign version it supports: September 2013 PDF2ID v4.0 – InDesign Creative Cloud release only (InDesign 9.x) September 2012PDF2ID v3.5 – InDesign CS6 support added (InDesign 8.x) but it also operates with InDesign …

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PDF2ID Trial limits – Converting PDF to InDesign

We provide a trial version of PDF2ID Professional v3.5 and PDF2ID Professional v4.0, the pdf to indesign converter that has converted millions of PDFs successfully to InDesign format. Sometimes, we get asked what are the trial limitations (even though we clearly document as much as possible). So, we just want to stress the limits a …

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PDF Converters for Mac, Windows, iPad, iPhone

PDF2Office is the only pdf converter that runs on the Mac, Windows, iPhone and iPad! So which one is the correct one to purchase? Well it depends on your needs actually. But to surmise: For Desktop Mac or Windows PDF conversion PDF2Office Professional converts PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OmniGraffle, HTML, JPEG, RTF and much …

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PDF to JPEG conversion using PDF2Office

PDF2Office Professional contains many options in addition to converting PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OmniGraffle, HTML and other types. It can only convert PDFs to JPEG, TIFF, PNG, Photoshop and many other formats. You can set the resolution and even the range of pages to convert easily. You just need to set the conversion type …

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PDF Converters for iPhone, Are we done yet?

We’ve released 5 applications designed specifically for the iPhone for PDF conversion in a span of a few weeks this month. PDF to Excel, PDF to Numbers, PDF to Keynote, PDF to PowerPoint and PDF to Pages. These are all based on the same PDF2Office conversion technology that we’ve built over the last twelve years. …

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Its the end of 2013 when is ID2Office going to support InDesign CC?

We’re receiving a lot questions lately about when ID2Office, the InDesign to Word and InDesign to PowerPoint conversion plug-in is getting InDesign CC support. We’re working very hard on it right now and can tell you that the finish line is close! There are lots of changes coming into the next release of ID2Office which …

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