PDF Conversion – History
We though we’d share a little history of our background with respect to
We though we’d share a little history of our background with respect to
We provide a trial version of PDF2ID Professional v3.5 and PDF2ID Professional v4.0, the pdf to indesign converter that has converted millions of PDFs successfully to InDesign format. Sometimes, we get asked what are the trial limitations (even though we clearly document as much as possible). So, we just want to stress the limits a …
PDF2Office is the only pdf converter that runs on the Mac, Windows, iPhone and iPad! So which one is the correct one to purchase? Well it depends on your needs actually. But to surmise: For Desktop Mac or Windows PDF conversion PDF2Office Professional converts PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OmniGraffle, HTML, JPEG, RTF and much …
We’re selling both PDF2ID v3.5 and PDF2ID v4.0 the de-facto PDF to InDesign converter. So the question arises what is the difference between them? Well in a nutshell, PDF2ID v3.5 is specifically for converting PDF to InDesign CS4, CS5, CS5.5 and CS6 (so InDesign v5.x through 8.x). Whereas PDF2ID v4.0 converts PDFs only to InDesign …
We’ve posted a lot of PDF2ID (PDF to InDesign) tutorials and it gets confusing at times which one you should look at. Well, we’re listing the basic ones here at least. PDF2ID Installation specific – Convert PDF-to-InDesign – Learn about installing PDF2ID Installing PDF2ID and at the same time learning how to convert PDF to …